The main purpose of CKC is the knowledge sharing and empowerment of the climate vulnerable poor and excluded. The CKC helps to educate the members
Category: Forest & Watershed
Sub-Watershed Approach to LAPA Preparation
Over the last 2 years, a piloting on sub-watershed based approach to local adaptation plan for action preparation was conducted in Salyan and Dailekh districts
GIS Based Assessment of Hungri Madi Sub Watershed, Rolpa
The Hungri Madi Sub-Watershed is situated in Rolpa district of Provience 5 between 28°20’49.59″N and 28°25’20.68″N latitude and 82°32’23.88″E- 82°35’30.43″E longitude, covering an area of
GIS Based Assessment of Pelma Sub-Watershed, East-Rukum
The objective of this assessment was to impart GIS based analytical assessment of the biophysical and socio-economic conditions of Pelma Sub Watershed of East Rukum