Climate Change Adaptation Capacity Building Technical Workshop was organized from Adaptation for Smallholder in Hilly Areas (ASHA) Project in line with component one with respect to building capacity of participating institutions for inclusive, scalable climate change adaptation. The workshop took place on 12 and 13th July 2017 in Hotel Chautari at Nagarkot. The overarching goal was to improve the knowledge–base and to raise national and local level policy reflection to address the impacts of climate change as well as on best practices and options to increase awareness and preparedness for adaptation to climate change in all line ministries staffs.
The workshop participants, represented from various Government Agencies, Swiss Development Cooperation INGOS and NGOs, mostly Joint Secretary, Under Secretary and government officials of MoFSC, MoAD, MoLD, MoPE and Key Experts and Project Directors from the WWF- Hariyo Ban, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, BCRWME Project and ASHA’s central team.
The workshop was highlighted and shared with the international and national climate change initiatives and project and program based experiences and lessons learned on good practices, options and approaches to assist in building the resilience of the rural poor and smallholders to cope with climate risks.