Archives: Events
Adaptation for Smallholders in Hilly Areas (ASHA) Project organized two weeks long Training of Trainer’s (ToT) on Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) techniques through Farmer’s Field School (FFS) from 14 to 25 October 2019 in Barala, Salyan, Nepal. A total of 30 Lead farmers (Five lead farmers from each project district) participated the training. District based […]
Coordination Meeting with Country Programme Officer, IFAD Nepal

02 Bhadra 2076 (19 August 2019), Adaptation for Smallholders in Hilly Areas (ASHA) Project organized a coordination meeting with Mr. Bashu Babu Aryal, Country Programme Officer, IFAD Nepal. The meeting was organized at ASHA project coordination office in Hattisar, Kathmandu, Nepal. The main objective of the meeting was to share achievement of the last fiscal […]
Update on Annual Review Workshop 2019

The main objectives of the workshop were to share annual progress for the fiscal year 2018/19 (B.S. 2075/76), make clear and common understanding on Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWPB), prepare detail action plan for the fiscal year 2019/20 and prepare Annual Activities Implementation Procedures (AAIP). A total of 50 participants were participated in the workshop.
Mid-Term Review Mission 2018
An IFAD mission team led my Mr. Hendrik Visser visited ASHA Project from December 2 to 13, 2018 for the Mid-Term review of the Project. During the mission, the team visited various project districts and held discussion with project teams and stakeholders. The team also called on designated officials from Ministry of Finance, National Planning […]
Training on Sub-watershed Planning and Analysis

Sub-watershed planning and analysis training participants were newly recruited ASHA Project including Engineer, Land Use Planner and District GIS Specialists. In total four resource persons facilitated five-day training program, resource persons belong to Department of Forests under Ministry of Forests and Environment and ASHA Project Specialists. The training aimed to provide theoretical and practical knowledge […]
Account Software and Procurement Training
A three days Account & Procurement Training along with Account Software Training was conducted on 14, 17 and 18 of May 2018 at Hotel Araniko, Dhulikhel. The event was participated by accountants, sub-accountants, District Project Coordinators and various other designated project staffs. The event was facilitated by experts from IFAD Nepal office, Mr. Pradeep Kumar […]
Climate Change Adaptation Capacity Building

Climate Change Adaptation Capacity Building Technical Workshop was organized from Adaptation for Smallholder in Hilly Areas (ASHA) Project in line with component one with respect to building capacity of participating institutions for inclusive, scalable climate change adaptation. The workshop took place on 12 and 13th July 2017 in Hotel Chautari at Nagarkot. The overarching goal […]
GESI Capacity Development Training to Project Staffs

A three days training cum workshop on GESI Capacity Development Training was held in Nepalgunj from 19 to 21 March 2018. The main aim of the event was to strengthen knowledge, attitude and skills of project staff on mainstreaming GESI by learning the existing GESI related instruments and tools in order to achieve GESI mainstreaming […]
2018 Team Building Workshop

A two day Team Building Workshop was held at Hotel Araniko, Dhulikhel on May 13 and 14, 2018. The event participated by all the ASHA staffs from Center, Technical Unit and Districts was facilitated by Mr. Sahadev Mahat and Mr. Dhurba Acharya. Both the resource person were highly skilled were able to engage the participants […]
Climate Change Adaptation and Knowledge Sharing Workshop

ASHA Project’s Project Design Report states about knowledge management and dissemination. The effective management and dissemination of knowledge and information envisioned necessary both for generating adaptive capacity at community and institutional levels, and to build a bridge between adaptation researches, on the ground investments, the integration of climate change concerns into planning and budgetary processes, […]