The focus of the ASHA Project is to build the adaptive capacity of communities and institutions in Nepal to better contend with CC risks. The ASHA approach involves building knowledge and methodologies for improving participatory planning and facilitating adaptive change through strategic government co-financing for investing in climate resilient livelihoods at household and community levels. The ASHA seeks to reduce the CC vulnerability and raise the resilience of highly vulnerable households defined under the NAPA by strengthening the natural, physical, social, human and financial capital of their communities. In this regard, a resilient household is anticipated to exhibit the following characteristics: (i) diversified livelihood and income streams; (ii) improved natural resource and risk management based on better access to knowledge on adapting to CC; iii) membership in social networks, particularly farmer groups; (iv) protection from some climatic hazards as a result of community infrastructure; and (v) direct engagement in village level planning, and influence on district and national financial allocations.
This will be achieved through (i) strengthening the framework for local-level climate adaptation by (a) building adaptive capacity of participating communities and institutions, (b) adopting more holistic planning approaches including the use of spatial and temporal considerations and GIS for LAPA development; and (c) the improvement of knowledge management and monitoring systems including, through robust adaptive and participatory action research; and (ii) Improving the resilience of vulnerable people through government co-financing of LAPA priorities at household and community/landscape levels that expand and diversify agricultural and other livelihood options.
READProject Design Report