Adaptation for Smallholders in Hilly Areas (ASHA) Project organized a four days Annual Project Review and Implementation Preparedness Workshop in Godavari, Lalitpur Nepal. The workshop was held from 31 July to 03 August 2019. A total of 51 participants, from District Project Coordination Units, Technical Support Unit and Project Coordination Unit, were participated in the workshop.
The main objectives of the workshop were to share annual progress for the fiscal year 2018/19 (B.S. 2075/76), make clear and common understanding on Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWPB) 2019/20, prepare detail action plan for the fiscal year 2019/20 and prepare Annual Activities Implementation Procedures (AAIP).
Mr. Krishna Prasad Osti, Project Coordinator of ASHA Project, extended congratulations and thanks to all project team members for outstanding achievement of the project progress fiscal year 2018/19 (B.S. 2075/76).
The project achieved 93 percent physical progress and 81 percent of the financial progress in 2018/19. Planning Officer facilitated the workshop, shared NRM theme’s progress and AWPB 2019/20 while Monitoring and Evaluation Officer shared detail progress of the project. The project completed 1,324 sub projects. Out of 200 targeted LAPA, a total of 198 LAPAs have been prepared.
District Project Coordinators shared their respective district’s project progress followed by thematic specialists and way forward for upcoming fiscal year.
A rigorous discussion on annual workplan and budgeting was made for common understanding among all project team members. The participants of workshop shared implementation challenges and possible solutions.
In the workshop, all six DPCUs and TSU/PCU prepared their detail first trimester action plan based on AWPB. IFAD consultant provided technical support to prepare action plan. The project management team will assist to implement and monitor the action plan on monthly basis.
The workshop concluded with commitment of maintaining result-based project implementation.